Faculty of Economics and Business at a Glance

At the beginning of its establishment in 1980, the Faculty of Economics (FE) was one of four faculties within Pakuan University which held two undergraduate study programs, namely the Management S1 Study Program and the Accounting S1 Study Program.

Since the 2000/2001 academic year, FE has opened a professional education program for the Diploma 3 Program which includes two study programs, namely the Accounting Study Program and the Tax Management Study Program. The implementation of these two programs has been approved by the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education.

In 2007, FE again obtained permission from the Directorate General of Higher Education to organize a new study program, namely the Diploma 3 Program in Financial and Banking Management. Thus FE has organized five study programs since 2007, namely two Undergraduate Study Programs and three Diploma 3 Study Programs.


In 2017, all Diploma 3 Study Programs managed by FE, were separated and merged with the Diploma 3 Program managed by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, into the Pakuan University Diploma Program, and later in 2019, this Diploma Program turned into a Vocational School . Thus, since July 2017, FE has again managed two Undergraduate Study Programs, namely the Management S1 Study Program and the Accounting S1 Study Program.

In early 2021, based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Pakuan University Number 01/KEP/REK/I/2021, the name of the Faculty of Economics changed to the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), with the consideration that, among other things, FEB did not manage a "pure economics" study program. and FEB's plan to establish a new study program, namely Digital Business.

In October 2021, the Digital Business Study Program began carrying out lecture activities, not long after the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Number 403/E/O/2021 dated 22 September 2021 concerning Permits for Opening the Digital Business Study Program Undergraduate Program at Pakuan University. Thus currently FEB manages three undergraduate study programs (S1), namely the Management Study Program, the Accounting Study Program (both accredited A) and the Digital Business Study Program.

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At a Glance
Faculty of Economics & Business

At the beginning of its establishment in 1980, the Faculty of Economics (FE) was one of four faculties within Pakuan University which held two undergraduate study programs, namely the Management S1 Study Program and the Accounting S1 Study Program.

Since the 2000/2001 academic year, FE has opened a professional education program for the Diploma 3 Program which includes two study programs, namely the Accounting Study Program and the Tax Management Study Program. The implementation of these two programs has been approved by the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education.

In 2007, FE again obtained permission from the Directorate General of Higher Education to organize a new study program, namely the Diploma 3 Program in Financial and Banking Management. Thus FE has organized five study programs since 2007, namely two Undergraduate Study Programs and three Diploma 3 Study Programs.

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In 2017, all Diploma 3 Study Programs managed by FE, were separated and merged with the Diploma 3 Program managed by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, into the Pakuan University Diploma Program, and later in 2019, this Diploma Program turned into a Vocational School . Thus, since July 2017, FE has again managed two Undergraduate Study Programs, namely the Management S1 Study Program and the Accounting S1 Study Program.

In early 2021, based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Pakuan University Number 01/KEP/REK/I/2021, the name of the Faculty of Economics changed to the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), with the consideration that, among other things, FEB did not manage a "pure economics" study program. and FEB's plan to establish a new study program, namely Digital Business.

In October 2021, the Digital Business Study Program began carrying out lecture activities, not long after the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Number 403/E/O/2021 dated 22 September 2021 concerning Permits for Opening the Digital Business Study Program Undergraduate Program at Pakuan University. Thus currently FEB manages three undergraduate study programs (S1), namely the Management Study Program, the Accounting Study Program (both accredited A) and the Digital Business Study Program.

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Menjadi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis sebagai Pusat Pengembangan Akademik yang Unggul, Mandiri dan Berkarakter serta menguasai IPTEK pada tahun 2035.

To become the Faculty of Economics and Business as a Center for Excellent, Independent and Character Academic Development and mastering science and technology in 2035.

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To become the Faculty of Economics and Business as a Center for Excellent, Independent and Character Academic Development and mastering science and technology in 2035.

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  1. Organizing science and technology-based higher education in the fields of management, accounting, and digital business that are competent, professional and with a global perspective.

  2. Explore and develop competencies in the fields of management, accounting, and digital business on an ongoing basis.

  3. Conduct research in the fields of management, accounting, and digital business according to developments IPTEK.

  4. Carry out community service in the fields of management, accounting and digital business so as to create a business ecosystem that is beneficial to the community.

  5. Establish partnerships in the fields of education, research, and community service at regional, national and international levels.
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1. Organizing science and technology-based higher education in the fields of management, accounting, and digital business that are competent, professional and with a global perspective.

2. Explore and develop competencies in the fields of management, accounting, and digital business on an ongoing basis.

3. Conduct research in the fields of management, accounting, and digital business according to the development of science and technology.

4. Carry out community service in the fields of management, accounting and digital business so as to create a business ecosystem that is beneficial to the community.

5. Establish partnerships in the fields of education, research, and community service at regional, national and international levels.

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  1. Produce graduates who have academic, competence, professional, independent, character abilities and are able to use science and technology wisely and responsibly.

  2. Produce graduates who are able to explore, develop, and apply competencies in management, accounting and digital business on an ongoing basis.

  3. Produce research work in the fields of management, accounting and digital business according to science and technology developments that are beneficial to science and society.

  4. Generate community service outcomes in the fields of management, accounting and digital business that can create a business ecosystem that is beneficial to the community.

  5. Produce cooperation outcomes in the fields of education, research, and community service at regional, national and international levels.
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1. Produce graduates who have academic ability, competence, professional, independent, character and able to take advantage of IPTEK wisely and responsibly.

2. Produce graduates who are able to explore, develop, and apply competencies in management, accounting and digital business on an ongoing basis.

3. Produce research work in the fields of management, accounting and digital business according to science and technology developments that are beneficial to science and society.

4. Generate community service outcomes in the fields of management, accounting and digital business that can create a business ecosystem that is beneficial to the community.

5. Produce cooperation outcomes in the fields of education, research, and community service at regional, national and international levels.

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1. The Economic and Business Architecture of Pakuan University must be able to become a component and at the same time play an active role in national and regional economic development.

2. The implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and Excellent Service is a continuous learning process.

3. Management of the Faculty of Economics and Business is carried out based on the principles of good faculty governance.

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1. The Faculty of Economics and Business at Pakuan University must be able to become a component and at the same time play an active role in national and regional economic development.

2. The implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and Excellent Service is a continuous learning process.

3. Management of the Faculty of Economics and Business is carried out based on the principles of good faculty governance.

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Welcome Dean
Dean's Message

Welcome to the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pakuan

We are a member of the big family of Universitas Pakuan, the largest Private Higher Education Institution in Bogor City, Indonesia, who are committed to providing the best service to the Young Generation, who are far-sighted, have an independent spirit and dare to penetrate various challenges and disruptions.

The Faculty of Economics and Business manages three Undergraduate Departments, namely Management, Accounting and Digital Business. We believe that the three Departments are able to equip the Young Generation to enter a competitive environment, because we prepare a curriculum that is adaptive to the needs of industry, the development of information technology, but still has a national character and is committed to building an economy of citizenship.

We realize that the effort to provide the best service is a continuous learning process so that the strategic plans and work plans that we prepare are always based on the philosophy of improving the quality of learning and service. We also realize that there are still many shortcoming that need to be corrected, but with commitment and hard work, God Willing, we are confident that we are on the right track in the trajectory of our strategic plan.

Let’s join and welcome the future with the Faculty of Economics and Business.
Towaf Totok Irawan, SE., ME., Ph.D
Welcome Senate
Senate Message

Welcome to the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University.

As Chair of the Senate of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University, one of which has the task of formulating and providing technical considerations for the implementation of academic policies and the development of the Faculty, I am proud of the achievements that have been made by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business and all of his staff who have made innovations in various fields. , especially in the field of academic and non-academic information systems.

This is done in order to improve services to all stakeholders, besides that the development of education for Lecturers is also continuously pursued including increasing their academic positions, where for Lecturers who have the ability and willingness to continue their education to a higher level, they are sought to get scholarships from the Faculty. and is still ongoing. This is done in order to improve the quality in the teaching and learning process.

I hope that the Faculty of Economics and Business in the future will continue to develop and be able to maintain the achievements that have been achieved, as well as carry out innovations in various fields to increase the interest of the community who will gain knowledge at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Let's join and welcome the future with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University.
Prof. Dr. Hari Gursida,.,SE.,Ak., MM.
Faculty Senate
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Jl. Pakuan, Tegallega. Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor. Jawa Barat 16143. Indonesia.

• +62251 - 8312 206 (Telp)

• +62251 - 8380 137 (Fax)

• Email: sekretariat.feb@unpak.ac.id