Utilization of Livestock Manure as Green Energy
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FEB, UNPAK — Compared to the last few years, currently the number of quail breeders in the Bogor Regency area, especially the West Bogor Regency area, has begun to emerge. The increasing enthusiasm of the community for raising quail requires the need for various ways and methods to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of each farmer's business.
The MSME partners of quail farmers who are the target of PkM have problems that need to be addressed. In addition to the problem of management of the cage that is not optimal, also the handling of disease and hygiene that is not yet good, as well as the way of managing the pattern of breeding and hatching of seeds that are not optimal.
Field conditions also show that the farmers have not been able to utilize the waste produced by the farmers as a by-product that can be of economic value.
In general, farmers currently use quail manure only as fertilizer for agricultural crops (given free to nearby farmers) or as fish feed (catfish) for fish farmers, or even some farmers throw their sewage into rivers which in turn causes water pollution. River.
This reality finally gave rise to the idea for the PkM team to provide technical knowledge to partner breeders to be able to process the quail manure they produce into a by-product that provides economic value for farmers, namely biogas with quail manure as the basic ingredient.
Based on the above conditions, this PkM activity is focused on training, fostering, monitoring, and assisting community members in Galuga Village, Cibungbulang District, Bogor Regency, in an effort to increase their productivity.
Through the transfer of knowledge on good quail handling and management, selection of superior seeds and optimal hatching of eggs, grants for processing quail manure waste into an alternative energy source that is environmentally friendly (green energy) and cheap in the form of biogas as well as simple bookkeeping training that can be utilized by the community. in the preparation of simple financial statements.
The condition of the quail cage of one of the breeders in the village of Galuga, Kec. Cibungbulang, Bogor Regency.