TOEFL Preparation and E-Business Talk 2021 BEM FEB
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FEB, UNPAK — The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University has organized one of its work programs, namely TOEFL Preparation and E-Business Talk 2021, (November - December 2021).
TOEFL Preparation was held in November, BEM FEB-Unpak has collaborated or collaborated with the TOEFL Briton English Education organization which is the English community with the best qualifications in the world, namely Cambridge English Qualification from Cambridge University, UK.
Briton has the experience and reputation of helping students and employees master English communication in the world of work, in accordance with the purpose of this training to provide foreign language training and make it a means of debriefing for added value in the world of work.
TOEFL Preparation is attended by students and the general public online through the Zoom Meeting media. The series of TOEFL activities are:
- Ability Test Batch 1, Ability Test Batch 2 (test to measure the ability level of test participants) on October 31 and November 19, 2021
- TOEFL Talk Series (training before TOEFL Test for 4 times) on 23-26 November 2021
- TOEFL Test, on November 27, 2021.
The second activity held, namely the E-Business Talk, is a National Webinar in the form of a Talk Show with the theme "Indonesian Economic Prospects with Omnibus Law", online, Wednesday (12/22/2021).
The event was opened and given a speech by the Deputy Dean I for Academic and Student Affairs, Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University conveying that positive online discussion activities are a new habit that must trigger creativity and innovation, there are many ways for the Indonesian economy to continue to develop and move forward, one of the efforts What the government is doing is with the Copyright Act, hopefully with the Copyright Law, business permits and employment can be quickly proven, we as the academic community must know and be able to understand so that we can implement and participate in critical thinking about the situation.
Dr. Retno Martanti Endah I, SE., M.Sc., CMA., CAPM continued that according to the theme, economic and investment issues are the issues that most often intersect with the public interest. This is because economic and investment problems are the most vulnerable sectors and have the most contact with the public interest. Therefore, before going further, the government needs to thoroughly review the plan before the omnibus law is actually implemented, he said.
The activity was attended by more than 230 participants from students from various backgrounds, moderated by Dicky Firmansyah, S.E., M.M. as Lecturer of Macroeconomics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University, and attended by two resource persons, namely;
- Eddy Soeparno, S.H., M.H. as Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI
- Sherly Annavita Rahmi, S.Sos., MSIPh. as a Millennial Influencer
Deputy Chairperson of Commission VIII of the DPR RI, namely Mr. H. Eddy Soeparno, S.H., M.H. revealed that "We (DPR) need to straighten out several laws or regulations that have sectoral egos so that they are then incorporated into one comprehensive law so that there is no confusion and dispute between the government and which institution is most authorized to provide or issue regulations. And from the aspect of efficiency and effectiveness, we hope that with the existence of the Copyright Act, all overlapping problems and become a big question mark or become a source of confusion, can then be clarified, especially in the agreement on aspects of business and investment permits.”
Eddy Soeparno, S.H., M.H. also continued, not infrequently, investments even lead to conflicts that lead to human rights violations and environmental destruction by investors. Don't let this happen. "Just because they want to attract as much investment as possible, but instead it causes people's rights to be taken away," he explained.
Millennial Influencer, Sherly Annavita, also revealed that “This law is very pro to entrepreneurs and investors. Seeing 2 important things, entrepreneurs and investors, in this case, whether we or foreigners are aware and responsible for all the articles in the law, don't just black and white, then in its implementation in the end there is a greeting on the table and like it or not there must be cooperative action and educative to maintain that they are equally consistent with the article," he concluded.
The purpose of the webinar is to provide an understanding of national issues, especially Omnibus Law so that students can think critically and understand the state of Indonesia, especially on the prospects for the Indonesian economy. (May)