This is Bogor's Loss if The Nation's Capital Moves to Kalimantan
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FEB, UNPAK — A different opinion came from the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Pakuan University, Dr. Hendro Sasongko, Ak., M.M., CA. To in Bogor, Thursday (22/8/2019), Hendro Sasongko said, there are losses that the City and Regency Governments must anticipate if the state capital moves from Jakarta to Kalimantan in the future.
Even now, with the status of the nation's capital, Jakarta has become an economic and business center. The plan to move the capital, it is believed, will not reduce this status, although it is clear that there is a shift in the circulation of money as a result of the relocation of many government institutions which in fact function as distribution agents for the state budget.
On the other hand, the City and Regency of Bogor have so far become one of Jakarta's economic buffer zones, as well as a supply area for workers to Jakarta, including ecosystems related to infrastructure, transportation facilities, and so on. Bogor is also a tourist destination or a stopover for Jakarta residents.
"The discourse of the loss of Jakarta's status as the capital, however, will have an impact on Bogor," said Hendro Sasongko.
Therefore, according to Hendro Sasongko, Bogor must study and calculate the economic impact. The challenge is how to compensate for the deficit of the economic impact by filling the economic growth of various potential sectors, such as tourism and services.
Bogor Regency also needs to build economic independence, by building economic centers in its territory, such as developing BUMDes.
"Obviously, Jakarta will become a magnet for the economy of Bogor Regency, as has happened so far, because of its geographical proximity, Bogor Regency's status as a supplier of labor, as well as a market for goods and services from Jakarta.
As a business center, the character of Jakarta has also shifted, namely the role of the private sector has become more dominant, and the relationship developed with Bogor Regency has also become more business-like.
This is the challenge for Bogor Regency, that Bogor Regency needs to anticipate and at the same time compensate for the economic impact of changes in Jakarta's economic character. (hari)