Monsoonsim Bootcamp Competition Dean's Cup Feb 2022
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FEB, UNPAK — Facing the era of the Industrial revolution 4.0, it requires the development of superior and quality human resources to bring the Indonesian nation forward and able to follow global competition. Especially to prepare the nation's next generation of young people, such as Pakuan University students. Unpak students must be prepared for changes and global competition.
Given the increasingly fierce global competition and trade competition between countries, especially in the investment sector, markets and technological advancements, which are increasingly stringent. So to be ready to face this, students must have qualified skills, especially in the ability to Complex Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Creativity, People Management, Coordinating with Other, and Decision Making.
Thus, facilities are needed that can facilitate students to develop more optimally their potential. Given the increasingly fierce competition in this era and increasingly fierce trade competition between countries by fighting over the Investment, Market, and Technological Progress sectors.
So to form Unpak students into quality human resources, it is necessary to have a means of increasing skills, especially in the ability to analyze efficient and effective systems and good management control in managing the company so that they can face technological challenges and competition in the global era that is happening.
MonsoonSIM is a business simulation game where each team will compete to manage their own virtual company to get as much profit as possible as proof of their success in managing the company well.
With this, the MonsoonSIM Club FEB-Unpak carries out an activity, namely the MonsoonSIM Bootcamp Dean's Cup Competition which is expected to be a means for FEB Pakuan University students to become quality human resources who are better prepared to face global competition in this 4.0 era by participating in the entire series of activities held.
The following are the objectives of the MonsoonSIM Bootcamp Competition for the 2022 Dean's Cup, including:
- Diharapkan terbentuknya minat dan bakat mahasiswa/i FEB Universitas Pakuan dalam bidang bisnis.
- Diharapkan mahasiswa/i FEB Universitas Pakuan dapat memahami dan menambah wawasannya dalam pengelolaan bisnis di perusahaan.
- Agar terciptanya SDM yang berkualitas terutama memiliki kesiapan dalam menghadapi persaingan global.
- Mempererat silaturahmi dan menambah relasi antar mahasiswa/i FEB di Universitas Pakuan.
The MonsoonSIM Bootcamp Competition for the 2022 Dean's Cup has various series of events, namely:
MonsoonSIM Workshop and Technical Meeting
- Day and Date : Monday, February 21, 2022
- Time : 08.00 s.d. 16.15 WIB
- Location: Madya Hall, Accounting Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University
MonsoonSIM Competition and Closing Ceremony
- Day and Date : Tuesday, 22 February 2022
- Time : 08.00 s.d. 15.00 WIB
- Place : Hall Madya Gd. Accounting and Computer Lab Gd. Management Faculty of Economics and Business Pakuan University
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