Information Technology Literacy in SME Business Management
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FEB, UNPAK — The Covid-19 pandemic situation has had a significant impact on SME business activities. The cessation of orders due to the non-operation of malls and restaurants during the PSBB period, has an impact on the income of SMEs as suppliers. To be able to maintain business continuity in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation, literacy in information technology is something that SMEs need to address.
The online-based sales system poses its own challenges for SME business actors. As with the problems experienced by Shoes SMEs where the previous sales system implemented the acceptance of orders in large parties, with the cessation of these orders and switching to online sales, an accurate inventory recording system is needed, so that raw material inventories can be managed properly. Another problem with SME business management is that the recording of business activities carried out conventionally and not completely available. The purpose of this community service activity is to help SME business management problems, especially in terms of inventory management. The output of this service activity is to develop an Android-based inventory management application that can be operated on mobile devices. This is to facilitate the recording of business activities for SMEs.
With this application, SMEs can keep records of purchases and sales, as well as monitor information on the availability of raw materials. A good recording system is the starting point for various business analyzes to be carried out in order to produce more efficient and optimal business decisions. In this community service activity, 2 types of inventory management applications were made, each of which was adapted to the business process of the type of SME business, namely Fried Onion SMEs and Shoes SMEs. Both SMEs are located in Bogor City.
The community service team involves 3 lecturers and 3 students from Pakuan University and is a collaboration between Lecturers of Management, Faculty of Economics, Information Systems, Vocational School, and Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Pakuan University. Cross-disciplinary collaboration is in line with the purpose of this community service activity, namely to produce Android-based inventory management applications for SMEs. The Community Service Team is chaired by Yudhia Mulya SE., MM, (Lecturer of the Faculty of Economics) consisting of 3 lecturers namely Sufiatul Maryana, S.Kom, M.Kom (Lecturer of Vocational School Information Systems), Agung Prajuhana Putra, M.Kom (Lecturer of Vocational Schools). Computer Science, FMIPA), and Vera Mita Nia, SE., MM. (Lecturer of the Faculty of Economics). This community service activity is an activity that has passed the selection for grant funding at the national level of Higher Education from the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2020 in the Community Partnership Program scheme. The partners of this community service activity consist of 2 SMEs, namely SMEs engaged in the Fried Onion business and UKM Shoes.
The activity has been carried out since May 2020 which began with several meetings and business observation visits to each SME as the data inventory stage. Then the Lecturer Team designed a simulation model for recording purchases, sales, and inventories which then became the basis for the preparation of an Android-based inventory management application.
Along with the demands of the industrial revolution 4.0, an Android-based inventory management application as the output of this community service activity is a manifestation of the work of Pakuan University Lecturers with the application of cross-disciplinary knowledge in order to help accelerate the competitiveness of SMEs. red