Improving Education Quality, FEB LAB Holds Training of Center Statistics
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FEB, UNPAK — The Laboratory of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Pakuan University (Unpak) held a training with the frame of 'Training of Trainer Statistics (TOT) Statistics for Lecturers and Lecturer Assistants'.
The training presented 2 resource persons, 3 lecturers in Introduction to Statistics and 14 assistant lecturers (asdos) for the Introduction to Statistics practicum who teach in the Management Study Program and Accounting Study Program in the Odd Semester 2022/2023.
This training was held in the Seminar Room of the Accounting Building FEB Unpak on Thursday 13 October 2022 at 08.00-12.30 WIB. Laboratory lectures for the Odd Semester Academic Year 2022/2023 begin on Monday, September 19, 2022. In the learning process with a hybrid concept through offline lectures supported by LMS Laboratory media.
The training plays an important role in improving the quality of education. Therefore, FEB Unpak Lab held Statistics Lab training for Statistics lecturers and assistant lecturers in Statistics Lab for Management Study Program and Accounting Study Program.
The TOT Statistics training was opened by Mrs. Dr. Retno Martani Endah Lestari, SE., M.Sc., CMA., CAPM as Vice Dean I FEB Pakuan University.
The objectives of the training include:
- As a forum for the common perception between the theoretical curriculum and Statistics practicum in the three study programs.
- To improve the quality of statistical theory and practicum materials in the three study programs.
- As a means of making the Statistics Lab e-module.
- As a manifestation of one of the FEB Unpak Lab Work Programs (Proker Lab) in 2022
In addition, participants will receive the results of the training, as follows: a common understanding between the theoretical curriculum and Statistics practicum for Statistics lecturers and Statistics Lab assistants in the three study programs, improving the quality of Statistics theory and practical materials in the three study programs, making Statistics Lab e-modules , and realizing one of the FEB Unpak Lab Work Programs (Proker Lab) in 2022.