Event Talkshow Entere Preneurship Economics Fair 2017
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FEB, UNPAK — The 2017 Economic Fair was attended by the 11th Former Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. H. Budiono, M.Ec. And Alfian Pamungkas Sakawiguna from PT. Cloud Hosting Indonesia as a resource person. The activity was carried out at the Graha Pakuan Siliwangi building, Pakuan University.
The Economic Fair 2017 was attended by the Chairman of the Pakuan Siliwangi Foundation and the leaders of the Vice Chancellors, Directors and Deans along with the deputy deans, study programs, lecturers, students within the Faculty of Economics.
The Economic Fair activity initiated by the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics, which is a work program agenda that was realized on Saturday 18 November 2017, can provide color for academic activities that are useful for adding insight into thinking in their studies.
Representing the Chancellor, the 2017 Economic Fair was officially opened by Dr. H. Eka Suhardi, S.Mi, vice chancellor for Academics and Student Affairs at Pakuan University. In line with the vision of Pakuan Unggul University, Independent and with Character, especially with regard to the 2017 Economic Fair theme, namely Rise, Creative and Independent.
The leadership of Pakuan University hopes that the Faculty of Economics will become one of the creators and innovations that can initiate an independent entrepreneurship development program that is in accordance with its competence and linearity with the curriculum within the economics faculty.
So it is very appropriate if Entre Preneurship becomes the main theme of the E-Fair so that students gain insight according to their knowledge and try to have the courage to face challenges, opportunities and directions for Indonesia's economic development.
Creativity is a concept that is currently booming in the new economic era in the form of production, distribution of goods and services supported by creativity by relying on many ideas and knowledge from human resources as the main factor.
Creativity or creativity is a mental process that involves and is poured in the form of new ideas from those that already exist in the community, so that economic activities in society will spend time generating ideas, not just doing routine ones without any renewal and this must be done for economic development. creative economy in Indonesia as a new era of economy after the industrial, agricultural and information economy.
Currently, what is the mainstay of the creative economy sector which continues to advance rapidly and has high potential to be developed professionally in the fashion, culinary and handicraft sectors and there are more as priorities to be developed, applications, games, music and films.