Dean’s Award 2021 The Best Of Economic And Business Faculty
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FEB, UNPAK — The Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University always gives great space and attention to every student who wants to develop, therefore according to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University, Mr. Dr. Hendro Sasongko, Ak., M.M., CA. there needs to be a form of appreciation given to students who have struggled in achieving achievements and making the name of the Faculty of Economics and Business proud.
This is also supported by various parties, especially from the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, namely Dr. Retno Martanti Endah Lestari, SE., M.Sc., CMA., CAPM., CAP. who are very supportive of holding the appreciation activity, because it will be very helpful and encourage students' enthusiasm for the future. Therefore, the Faculty of Economics and Business at Pakuan University held a DEAN'S AWARD activity which was held on Saturday, March 26, 2022.
This activity was attended by the Chair of the FEB-Unpak Senate, Prof. Dr. Hari Gursida, Ak., MM., Treasurer of Pakuan Siliwangi Foundation, namely Mr., Jaenudin, SE., MM., Academic Community, Student Institutions and outstanding students. The remarks and opening were delivered directly by the Chair of the Senate and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University.
This 2021 Dean's Award is given to all students who have achieved achievements in 2021, with a total number of achievements of more than 40 achievements which were attended by 65 students from 3 study programs at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University, namely the Management Study Program, Accounting Study Program and Digital Business Study Program. The categories presented at the time of the activity were:
- International Competition
- National Scale Academic Competition
- Non-Academic National Scale Competition
- Academic Regional Scale Competition
- Non-Academic Regional Scale Competition
- Queen/King of FEB 2021
Queen or King FEB is the culmination of the event, where students with the highest achievements and scores get the title. And at the Dean's Award Award 2021, the winner of the title was Lourensia Vanessa Christiani from the 2019 Accounting Study Program with 5 proud achievements and a 3.9 GPA.
"Thanks to the Faculty of Economics and Business for providing a forum for students to work and continue to develop potential interests and talents both in academic and non-academic fields, we hope that in the future students at the Faculty of Economics and Business can continue to develop themselves and recognize potential. We also ask for guidance and support from the lecturers so that these achievements are not just an idea but can also be realized and have an impact, said Lourensia.
Not only for outstanding students, this activity also gives awards and appreciation to Student Institutions of the Faculty of Economics and Business, namely the Management Student Association, Accounting Student Association, Student Executive Board and Student Legislative Body who have contributed and helped students and the Academic Community of the Faculty of Economics and Business during 2021.
In addition to the award ceremony, this activity was also interspersed with stunning musical performances from the FEB-Unpak Contingent Band. The event was more lively with a special performance from Prof. Dr. Hari Gursida, Ak., M.M. and Mr. Dr. Hendro Sasongko, Ak., M.M., CA.
It is hoped that this activity will continue to increase a positive sense of competitiveness and motivation for students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University to continue to develop themselves in increasing creativity and creating innovations that are useful for the future, as well as enthusiasm for achieving achievements both in academics and academics. Non-Academic.
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