BUMN and BUMD as Drivers of National Development
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FEB, UNPAK — Infrastructure development in various regions continues to be carried out by the Government of Indonesia, in order to support equity in all fields. Development of facilities and infrastructure in order to increase the income of the central government and regional governments, it is necessary to have good and correct infrastructure management within the scope of BUMN and BUMD to support national development.
Together with the Professor of the Faculty of Economics, Pakuan University, as resource persons Prof.Dr. Eddy Mlyadi Soepardi, MM., SE., Akt., CFr., CA as a member of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia until now. before a member of the BPK RI had been Deputy Investigation at the BPKP agency that handled the supervision and examination of the governance of SOEs.
This activity was attended by the Chancellor of Pakuan University, Dr. H. Bibin Rubini., M.Pd, head of the Doctoral and Postgraduate Management study program Dr. H. Hari Gursida, Se., Ak., MM, Dean of the Faculty of Economics DR. Hendro Sasongko, Prof. Dr. H. Didik Notosoedjono, M.Sc Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation & Partnership, Dr. H. Hari Muharam, SE., MM Vice Chancellor for Human Resources & Finance as well as Lecturers and students of the Faculty of Economics, became the goal of an enlightenment for all leaders and students of accounting and management at Pakuan University.
This public lecture is the first scientific gathering with postgraduate students and students of the Faculty of Economics to explain the Governance of BUMN and BUMD as the driving force of national development.
Talking about SOEs, one must first know or understand Law No. 19 of 2003 which is called state-owned enterprises, as a condition that the state owns shares of at least 51 percent if less than 51 percent is not said to be SOEs.
In Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, it also regulates the governance of state-owned enterprises because SOEs as a limited liability company must comply with Law No. 40, 2007, firstly, the directors carry out Article 92 of the first paragraph for the benefit of the company in accordance with the aims and objectives of the company. , as a company as a legal subject has a mission and vision that is outlined in the goals and objectives of the company.
BUMN paragraph 2, the directors have the authority to carry out management according to policies deemed appropriate in the articles of association, BUMN as a whole there are 4 categories, BUMN in the energy and mining sector, Pertamina, PGN, Bukit Asam coal and so on, the transportation facilities and infrastructure sector, Garuda, Pelni , the agricultural and fishery sectors, and various industries, the financial sector and even other institutions.
Judging from the number, there are 118 SOEs and 338 subsidiaries, while the assets within the SOEs are worth trillions of rupiah each, so there are many issues and discussions of SOEs that have a lot of debt, so discussions about these things don't need to be enlivened by the opinions of resource persons Prof.Dr. Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi, MM., SE., Akt., CFr., CA.
As a student of the Faculty of Economics, you must understand correctly that if a capital owner and management must be separated, the owner of capital as equity as a creditor, can be a bank, the more debt means more activity. From semester 1 there is an accounting theory that total assets = total debt and profit capital is income minus costs, that's the only thing that has been done until it's time to become a professor.
It is hoped that in this scientific gathering, students of the economics faculty of Pakuan University will not be too late and suffer, how do we pay off debts, because there are management who think about it because before they have debts, they are studied and the government is not arbitrarily.