Bogor City Economic Opportunities and Challenges in 2020
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FEB, UNPAK — Started the presentation by presenting the City Government's statistical data from 2014 to 2018. Bima said that in 2014 the Bogor City Budget was Rp. 2.06 trillion and 2018 rose to Rp. 2.66 trillion.
Furthermore, PAD Rp. 483 billion (2014) to Rp. 877 billion (2018), GINI ratio index from 0.36 (2014) to 0.41 (2018), economic growth 5.97 (2014) to 6.48 percent (2018), unemployment rate from 9.48 percent (2014) ) fell 9.28 percent (2018).
Meanwhile, Bogor City's HDI number increases every year from 73.65 (2015), 74.50 (2016), 75.16 (2017) and 75.66 (2018).
In addition to the achievements, Bima also conveyed the targets designed by the Bogor City Government until 2024. Based on data obtained from the Head of Bappenas, the number of tourists to Bogor City was higher than Bogor Regency, which was 5.3 million or higher than the Regency's 5.1 million. . It was even recorded that the City of Bogor was included in the top 5 districts/cities with the highest economic growth in West Java in mid 2015-2018.
In addition, on this occasion, a number of Bogor City's flagship programs for 2020-2024 were presented which carry the mission of realizing Bogor City as a healthy city, smart city and prosperous city as well as structuring a number of areas in Bogor City.
In the future he wants data through analysis in planning. According to him, overall what the Bogor City Government has done is on the track, starting from the formation of thematic villages, infrastructure and others.
To anticipate the slow economic growth, said Bima, the City of Bogor can anticipate through strengthening the potential of the City of Bogor and other concepts.
"For that we need studies. There is one factor that is key and that other regions do not have to develop, namely going forward and running. Some have but cannot maximize. Let's strengthen it to strengthen the value and PAD of Bogor City," he explained.
The event was attended by 4 speakers, namely the President Commissioner of Indonesia and Vice Chairman of ASEAN Standard Chartered Bank, Rino Donosepoetro, Senior Economist of Standard Chartered Bank, Aldian Taloputra, Chair of ISEI Bogor as well as Dean of the IPB Business School, Prof. Noer Azam Achsani and Dean of FEB Unpak. , Hendro Sasongko.
Standard Chartered Bank's Senior Economist, Aldian Taloputra, explained that the world's economic changes caused by the trade war between China and America that affected world trade began with the election of Donald Trump as President of America. "A quarter of the world's economy is the American economy," said Aldian.
The Dean of the IPB Business School, Prof. Noer Azam Achsani said, basically all countries in the world are experiencing a slowdown in economic growth, no one is separated from one country, including Indonesia. "Fortunately, Indonesia is not as bad as other countries and the city of Bogor is not as bad as the national one," he said
When asked about whether the regional head election has a good economic impact or not, Prof. Noer replied that the election could have a good impact. According to him, Bogor City has advantages and based on data, Bogor City is a service and industrial city. (Humpro:rabas/adt-SZ)