Blooming in the village of Taman Sari, Bogor Regency
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FEB, UNPAK — For 3 days (13-15 January 2017), this activity has the concept of action and education on 4 basic aspects, namely; Education, Environment, Economics and Social Affairs attended by around 50 students of the Faculty of Economics, Pakuan University who brought the spirit of change.
This activity started on Friday with teaching activities carried out by students to early childhood children with the material instilling a culture of love for the environment with the visualization learning method accompanied by a trash can painting competition by early childhood children.
Followed by learning activities on mushroom cultivation and management by students taught by Mrs. Ratna who is a community member of Taman Sari village.
Students intervened to raise public awareness to care for the environment by cleaning the river in Taman Sari village which was polluted with household waste, even though it was accompanied by rain, students were still enthusiastic about going to the river to collect garbage together.
The river clean-up activity ended by placing a sign asking not to litter and trash cans so that the public and visitors would not litter around the river.